Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Waiting for my shows to start. Pushing Daisies isn't on because of the CMA's. Bummer, I love that show. Wednesday is a heavy T.V. night. I usually watch Pushing Daisies, Bionic Woman, Life, Ghost Hunters. That puts me in zombie mode from 7-11pm. I tried to order some books from this discount place called Edward R. Hamilton but they were sold out of the books I ordered so they refunded my money. Bummer. I picked some more off their list and sent them more money, we'll see what happens.
Well I did it. I wrote my wife the letter. I poured it out, truthfully, honestly. I hope she opens it and reads it. I hope she takes it seriously. I pray that she responds one way or another. I hope and pray I get to be a part of their life again, it would make my life worth living. But if she writes back and tells me to fuck off, at least I'll know. She has gone through so much suffering and it kills me that I am the cause of most of it and can't remedy any of it. I can't even offer support for the other problems she has had. It really eats me up. I never gave much thought to that cliche saying until I actually felt it. It literally feels like it is eating you up from the inside.

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