Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas! The last few days have been a blur. My whole family has been up to visit, including my father. It was so good to see him and we had a great day of visiting and laughing. I wish he could have stayed longer but some time is better than no time. I've gotten to see mom four times in the last week which has been incredible and my brother has been up every day since the 19th and will be back tomorrow. I have such a tremendous network of beautiful people who love and support me including my immediate family, my aunts and of course my grandmother. It's overwhelming to know I am so loved and blessed, while others in here have no one. That being said I will be glad when the holidays are over. Seems like everyone here is more vulgar, violent, loud and obnoxious. The Christmas meal was good tonight and included pork loin. I ate so much I feel sick. Through talking with my brother I found out that at least my wife (soon to be ex-wife) is reading the letters and cards I'm sending her. If I had one Christmas wish it would be to patch things up with her. Everything else good in my life would be enhanced by that. I would get to be a part of my son's life and I could endure anything else after that, including spending the rest of my life in here.

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