Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Chapter 1 - Ego: The Flowering of Human Consciousness

I actually agree with Tolle's definition of ego and the allusions he draws from Buddhist sources and some western psychology. I do believe there needs to be a shift in basic society conscience but I see no evidence of this already happening. He makes the case of the "shift" by giving examples of people moving away from "dogma" and religion and shows evidence that people are becoming more "spiritual" witghout gluing themselves to a belief system or religions. I like his writings on sea creatures evolving adn coming onto land to become something else or reptiles sprouting wings and turning into birds but if he (Tolle) is an evolutionist then why does he add mystical and spiritual properties to these events? And if he is spiritual then what or who is the driving force for the creaturesw wanting to evolve in the first place? IN fact, in the first chapter which outlines what the rest of the book is about, Tolle lays (it seems so far) all the work of evolving on the individual, there is no mention of a divine personal power or God at all. I also strongly disagree with his statement: "If evil has any reality-and it has a relative, not an absolute, reality-..." Um, spend some time in prison and stare into the eyes of a man who has raped and murdered several women and children and swee no remorse, regret and still in a rage, and tell me that is "relative" not absolute evil. There is absolute wrong or evil in this world otherwise what is that "inner voice" Tolle talks about doing whispering moral rights and wrongs to you? If all is relative, then why have a shift in consciousness at all? If it is all relative, then why is anybody in prison?

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