Monday, November 26, 2007


Watching Journeyman. Pretty good show. Cop just came by to give me a random breathalyser test. I couldn't stop giggling while doing it because it is the first one I've ever taken in my life and it's while already behind bars!!! Not that I couldn't use a beer! Lord that sounds good, but I'm not about to start drinking home-made hooch from a toilet. I received some money from my grandmother today, I will write her a thank you after this. I also got a letter back from the Buddhist correspondence course stating my application has been approved and I am now on the "waiting list" which is 2 years long. Oh well, not that I'm going anywhere. Speaking of which, my lawyer came up today and conveyed in person that he appeal failed and was just as disappointed as I was and baffled. After I asked him what is next his exact words were "You're screwed." No more appeals, there are certain channels I can still go through but he said the probability of them working are little to nothing. So literally the only way out of here is by an act of God or a body bag. Wait and see, grow old, wait and see. My life would be worth something, my suffering ended if only I could be a part of any of my children's lives. I'm in no mood to write grandma now.

11:00 PM
Can't sleep, decided to write grandma. Cop went by and handed out our monthly balance sheet for our money accounts. I have $99 to spend so I decided to buy a Hot Pot and get a subscription to Tricycle. So I can only spend $25/week (which is a stupid rule) so I broke it down like this: 11/27: comy. supplies like stamps, coffee, sugar, bread, tuna, peanut butter, etc. = $35
12/3: Hot Pot for $24.10
12/11: Tricycle subscription. for $24
I'll get the comy. delivered on 12/2, the Hot Pot probably around the end of the month and the tricycle subscription 4-6 weeks from 12/11 so... end of January, maybe? Like I said stupid rule with spending limits. Everybody would be happeir without them and the prison and CBM (who supplies the goodies) would get more money. Anyway, I'll have to watch my money intake because I'm only allowed $140/mo being deposited and grandma's $50 plus my $49 pay-check leaves me with only $51 more that can be added without stiff penalties. It helps to write it all out so I can keep it straight i n my head. Sorry to bore you all. Good night.

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