Thursday, November 15, 2007


I'm exhausted. It's been a trying and busy day. Started with a "go! go! go!" attitude form my boss at work. I got the programs designed and printed for this weekend's special event. I also finished typing "Going Deeper" by Bo Lozoff. Spend my afternoon break reading the first half of Thich Nhat Hanh's "Breath! You Are Alive" I finished it up about 5 minutes ago. It's only 63 pages long but very good. I also had my theology class tonight, it was deep and insightful and fun as usual. Pastor Steve let me borrow a concordance to help me study the Bible. I received a letter from my lawyer this afternoon stating that my appeal failed. It didn't hit me as hard as I th ought it would. I feel numb. Tired. Maybe it helped that I didn't get my hopes up or maybe it hasn't sunk in yet. Or maybe on a level I excepted a long time ago, that I'm not getting out of here alive. I feel more shitty of the fact that a lot of my family chipped into hire the lawyer and it just went to waste. When I talk to mom, I need to mention a support group/website called MAMM (Mothers Against Mandatory Minimums) [see FAMM]. Of course she'll read this and know. The lawyer stated in his letter that he will be up to see me and discuss my options. If any of them involve more money, I'm telling him to take a hike. I refuse for my family to go through any more financial suffering on my behalf, they h ave enough of that as it is plus the regular suffering of the rest of it. Well time to sleep. Later.

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