Borrowed a pen from work. I'll bring it back tomorrow. I hate writing in pencil. I got in trouble at work today for typing up and posting a list for free religious materials. Apparently
everything has to be approved by the boss, even the most harmless memo. Oops. I'm supposed to be typing up a list on inmates who want to attend this function on Thanksgiving but the list was stolen. So I reposted it in the cell halls but it was stolen again. Juvenile. I got a letter to enroll in a Buddhist Correspondence Coarse. I filled it out but have to wait to send it out because I am out of stamps. Actually I have about 15 letters waiting to go out. I'll get my stamps on Sunday. Ok... so the weirdest thing just happened. An officer stopped by to talk at my cell (I knew him on the outside) and he was complaining and grumbling about his life and how the rest of his night is gonna suck because he has to spend it with his fiance rather than just going to bed. WHAT?! Are you serious? Poor him. People are just clueless sometimes. Including myself because I know there are a lot of people worse off than me. I read something last night that moved me so much that I'm going to have it posted on my blog along hopefully to a link to the organization. It was a newsletter from the Human Kindness Foundation. It was written by Bo Lozoff and I hope everyone will read it. Later.
Ok can't sleep. Too much coffee, too much thinking, remembering, missing, I keep saying little prayers then getting distracted and starting another little prayer. So I decided to transcribe Bo Lozoff's sermon that I mentioned earlier. Would it be easier to wait and type it or just send it to my brother? Yes, but where is the meditation in that? So here it is: The following was printed in Human Kindness Foundation's fall 2007 newsletter.
Going Deeper
A sermon by Bo Lozoff at Unity of the Triangle
Raleigh, NC, March 11th 2007
Well mission accomplished. I am no where near done transcribing "Going Deeper" but i am now tired. If I have time tomorrow maybe I'll type it up or maybe I need to write it long hand so it will "sink in", or maybe both. Probably both so it "sinks in" and typed so my brother can read my damn chicken-scratch writing. Goodnight, God Bless, pray that tomorrow is better.
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