Monday, February 11, 2008


11:00 AM
Pastor came through with 2 Guitar for beginners books. Now there really is no excuse not to learn except my own laziness. Just got done writing my dad back. I haven't written anyone else yet. I'm waiting for a book from my two aunts before I write them, so I can tell them it arrived O.K. and say thank you. NOt much else going on. I went to the doctor for an eye infection but it's gone now. Tie to go back to work. Later.

4:00 PM
Disappointment and anger. The book my aunts tried to send me was rejected because "The item depicts nudity or encourages sexual behavior which is criminal in nature and/or may be detrimental your rehabilitation as described above. Included in this category are nude personal photographs, writings, illustrations or pictures depicting child pornography, male homosexuality, bestiality or acts of sexual violence. " Ridiculous considering I found the book in a spiritual catalog. I'm not giving up yet. I have 60 days to appeal and convince them to give me the book. Let the triple copy paper work begin!

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